
Understand how the collections system works

documentation posts saaru

Collections are one of the two ways one can organize their posts in Saaru. They're mentioned in the frontmatter of each .md file as follows, and are only allowed to be a one-dimensional YAML Array of strings.

NOTE It isn't necessary to have your post belong to a collection, neither is it necessary to have the collections field in your frontmatter.

title: Collections
description: Understand how the collections system works
wip: false
template: post.jinja
  - documentation
  - posts
  - saaru
collections: # <--- here!
  - internals

Just mentioning the collection that each post belongs to allows you to access the collections and their posts in your templates as follows ->

{% for collection in base.collections %}
  <p> <strong>{{collection}} </strong></p>
  {% for post in base.collections[collection] %}
    <p> <a href="{{}}"> {{post.frontmatter.title}}</a> &rarr; {{post.frontmatter.description}}</p>
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}